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As a member of City Council I will execute fiscal prudence and work to:

Strengthen Essential Services

Boost Local Economy

Enhance Natural and Built Environment

Expand Community Engagement and Volunteerism

Coordinate and Align Objectives with City Schools

Meet Logan

I am running for City Council out of my deep love and admiration for Madeira, a vibrant community shaped by its dedicated residents. I'm committed to ensuring our city thrives for future generations. Over the past decade, I've contributed by coaching youth sports, volunteering in schools, serving on the Parks and Rec. Board, and taking a leadership role in the Madeira Chamber of Commerce. With my 20-year business background and comprehensive knowledge of Madeira and its governance, I am prepared to serve and represent all residents on the Madeira City Council.

Thank you for your support,

Logan Junger

Experienced Leader

Business and Operations

With a deep understanding of both the intricacies of business and the nuances of operations, I have consistently demonstrated the ability to drive efficiency, optimize resources, and ensure that projects are executed on time and within budget. My experience in this realm ensures that Madeira will benefit from sound financial decisions and strategic planning.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Believing that the best results are achieved when diverse minds come together, I have always prioritized fostering a culture of collaboration. My history of working effectively with teams, stakeholders, and partners is a testament to my commitment to collective success. In Madeira, this means bringing together community voices, experts, and officials to create solutions that work for everyone.

Community-Centric Vision:

At the heart of every decision I make is the community of Madeira. I have consistently championed initiatives that prioritize the needs, aspirations, and well-being of our residents. By listening to the community and understanding its unique challenges and opportunities, I aim to lead in a way that truly reflects and serves the people of Madeira.

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